Property For Sale Mollina,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Mollina

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Town House Mollina, Malaga

$108,700 | £78,191 | €89,950
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ForSale 100 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
The house is located in the popular village of Mollina, close to all the local shops, bars, and restaurants.This is a great property linked to 3 other houses in a shared community, with private garden and swimming pool. Inside the house offers a spacious lounge with open fireplace which leads to a downstairs shower room and kitchen area which is tiled ready for installing a kitchen. On the first floor there are 4 bedrooms and a full family bathroom. This floor has a spiral staircase which leads to a private roof terrace with space for relaxing and stunning views over the surrounding village.
Well worth viewing.
Community Garden
Community Pool
Near Amenities
Off Road Parking
Private Terrace