Property For Sale Mazarron,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Mazarron

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds Villa Mazarron, Murcia

$132,929 | £95,620 | €110,000
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

A lovely, two double bedrooms fully furnished detached villa on the private, peaceful complex of Mazarron Country Club. The complex is easily accessed from the airports and is very close to Mazarron and Camposol for shoppping. There are alot of exotic beaches for swimming, surfing, and sailing and there are also beautiful golf courses close by such as the Alhama Singature Golf Resort. Moreover, there are walking and horse riding facilities nearby. There are no lack of beautiful churches and other places of interest. There is a local supermarket under 1 mile away.

Just across the road from the villa are the Community office and library. Two minutes acroos the open space are the restaurant, bar, tennis and croquet courts and a stunning swimming pool which is operated by the Restaurant (The Taberna). An open market is held once a week on Tuesdays at the Taberna.
35 Km from Beach
1 Km from Bus
5 Km from CountrySide
18 Km from Golf Course
62 Km from Train
30.1 Miles from Murcia San Javier, Spain