Property For Sale Martos,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Martos

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds Town House Martos, Jaen

$26,586 | £19,124 | €22,000
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ForSale 70 SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds
This property is almost ready to move into, it just needs the furniture. New wiring and plumbing is already done, but the electrics need finishing off and the walls finished minus the painting. Yes the property is small but is a perfect bolt hole or first property for anyone thinking of moving to or having a holiday home in Spain. There is parking nearby and from there you go down a street to get to the house. The sturdy looking metal front door gives you access to the living room with its fireplace and stone clad walls. At the other end of this room are the stairs to the first floor which has two connected bedrooms and a bathroom with access to an open room or gazebo where you get those lovely views. On the ground floor beyond the stairs is the kitchen area and in the corner the washing machine. The electricity and water are not connected at the moment but are ready to go. A little charmer.
Close to Amenities
Lounge Diner
Near Public Transport