Property For Sale Marinaleda,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Marinaleda

5 bed Property for sale

5 beds Town House Marinaleda, Sevilla

$163,141 | £117,352 | €135,000
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ForSale 238 SqFt Area 2Baths 5Beds
From the front of this property we see a large townhouse but actually inside the property has been completely divided in to 2 separate dwellings. On entrance to the property there is a small reception area and stairwell and the ground floor front door. The ground floor offers a bright open plan living area with room to dine and archway in to the kitchen keeping a light and airy feel. There are 2 double bedrooms and a very large bathroom with corner bath, separate shower and twin sinks. This is a beautifully presented apartment. On the first floor this property opens again in to a main living area with a good size well fitted kitchen, 3 bedrooms and a nicely fitted bathroom with full bath and dressing area. On the second floor is a full roof terrace which offers stunning views over the surrounding countryside and town, this area also has a summer kitchen with access to water and electric making it a little easier on a summer's evening. This would be a fantastic property for someone who constantly has visitors or would like to have a separate rental income.
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