Property For Sale Lucena,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Lucena

3 bed Property for sale

3 beds Apartment Lucena, Cordoba

$259,817 | £186,895 | €215,000
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ForSale 115 SqFt Area 2Baths 3Beds
From the street this apartment has a communal entrance that leads to the stairwell and elevator for access to all of the apartments. This apartment is located on the top floor and is waiting to be furnished and finished to the new owner's choice. Once inside the apartment is bright and spacious and has been finished to a high standard throughout. There is a good size kitchen area which is completely tiled ready for a kitchen to be installed, 2 bathrooms and 3 double bedrooms. The main living area look out over the main street, this is a great apartment in a good location.
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