Property For Sale lorca,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - lorca

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds country house lorca, Murcia

$48,217 | £34,684 | €39,900
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ForSale 87 SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds
Building/restoration project to complete.

Within a quiet Spanish village, but just 20 kilometres from the bustling city of Lorca with its shopping centre, hospital and historic buildings.

The house is over 2 levels: 65m2 downstairs and 22 m2 upstairs- the original project is for 2 bedrooms, one on each level. But could be adapted.

There's a large terrace with a 60-year-old pine tree for shade!

Unfinished project waiting for you to finish it off!!!

walking distance to ammenities