Property For Sale Estepona,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Estepona

1 bed Property for sale

1 beds Commercial Estepona, Malaga

$664,647 | £478,102 | €550,000
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ForSale 700 SqFt Area 4Baths 1Beds
Magnificent large industrial warehouse in the industrial estate of Estepona. This warehouse is divided into two floors and the total surface is 700m. On the ground floor there is a large open area with plenty of space to store all kinds of equipment. On the far end there is a room that was initially built as a kitchen, and has a small lift to transport items to the upper floor. On the same floor are the bathrooms, ladies with several WC, gentlemen's WC and another for the disabled. On the upper floor all the space is diaphanous which has access by a staircase. The warehouse is in very good condition and has good construction qualities, different switchboards with their respective electrical installations, approved smoke extractors for kitchen or restaurant use, general air conditioning with hot and cold compressors and butane gas installation. The warehouse is available to develop any type of commercial activity. It also complies with the regulations of the town hall with fire extinguishers, emergency exits etc. Area Built 700 M Terrace 0 M Plot 0 M * * OrientationSouth * Condition Excellent * Features Lift * * * * * * * * * *
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