Property For Sale Estepa,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Estepa

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Town House Estepa, Sevilla

$90,573 | £65,152 | €74,950
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ForSale 108 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
This lovely townhouse is located in the popular town of Estepa in the province of Seville. The house has a private garage which can be accessed at the front of the property and is quite important in this town. Inside there is a bright and airy feel throughout with four good size bedrooms and two full bathrooms. To the rear of the property is a private courtyard which is tiled and a private roof terrace which offers views over the lovely town of Estepa and its surrounding countryside.
Fitted Kitchen
Lounge Diner
Near Amenities
Private Garage