Property For Sale Crevillente,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Crevillente

6 bed Property for sale

6 beds Country House Crevillente, Alicante

$566,763 | £407,691 | €469,000
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ForSale 310 SqFt Area 3Baths 6Beds
Impressive 310m2 country house comprising 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large living room, kitchen, two terraces, air conditioning and central heating.

Outside withing a 10,000m2 plot of land, swimming pool, barbecue and garage with stunning views of the mountains mountains and the valley.

The house is in perfect conditions for living in all year round.

Crevillente city is 5 minutes drive and 30 minutes from the beach and Alicante Airport.

Fire place