Property For Sale CREVILLENTE,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - CREVILLENTE

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Country House CREVILLENTE, Alicante

$349,242 | £251,221 | €289,000
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ForSale 210 SqFt Area 4Baths 4Beds
Nice 210m2 country house with 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, large living room, terrace, large kitchen, central heating, air conditioning, 32,000m2 land with pool, bar in the pool area, 130m2 garage where you can make two Guest houses with 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen or also make 6 bedrooms with 6 bathrooms to have your own business at home, drinking water and electricity, the area is very quiet with good views, three kilometers from the bar, 5 minutes from town, 25 minutes beach and airport.