Property For Sale Calpe,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Calpe

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Villa Calpe, Alicante

$658,605 | £473,756 | €545,000
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ForSale 274 SqFt Area 4Baths 4Beds
pThis finca is located in Olta Mar with beautiful views over the bay of Calpe and the Peandnon Ifach. Currently there is no swimming pool but there is already a place for building a swimming pool. The plot of 3.400.00 m2 can still be divided into separate pieces on which a second villa can be built. The same owner also has 3 adjacent plots of land for sale: 2.497.00 m2 + 2.685.00 m2 + 4.723.00 m2/p
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