Property For Sale Calpe,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Calpe

3 bed Property for sale

3 beds Apartment Calpe, Alicante

$477,338 | £343,364 | €395,000
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ForSale 300 SqFt Area 3Baths 3Beds
Now you have an opportunity to reside in an apartment and enjoy the tranquility of a chalet. We have designed housing of 200 sq.m located on one level. AURA building comprises six apartments (one per floor) and a duplex penthouse of 300 sq.m (200 sq.m of housing and 100 sq.m of terraces), securing absolute privacy and quiet environment. The building is located in recently constructed urbanization of Canuta featuring exceptional garden area, which, together with its extraordinary location and excellent neighborhood, provides pleasant feeling of tranquillity and well-being. Do not hesitate to visit us and we shall convince you!
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