Property For Sale bolnuevo,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - bolnuevo

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds apartment bolnuevo, Murcia

$102,597 | £73,802 | €84,900
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ForSale 73 SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds
. In the well-known area of Bolnuevo and a step away from its fantastic beaches, we have this ground floor apartment for sale. Fully furnished and ready to move in. With air conditioner. Equipped American kitchen. Two full bedrooms. A bathroom with a bathtub. Parking place. In a residential complex with beautiful gardens and a fenced area, ideal for your children to play in the tranquility of a gated community. And with the beach across the street. Wait no more, call us and we will inform you without obligation:
Walking distance to beach
walking distance to ammenities
A/C installed