Property For Sale BOCAIRENT,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - BOCAIRENT

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Country House BOCAIRENT, Alicante

$180,059 | £129,522 | €149,000
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ForSale 240 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
Wonderful house of 240m, divided into two floors and a loft, 4 rooms. - 2 bathrooms. - Kitchen. - Living room. - Pool. - Chimney. - Barbecue - Garage. -Storage room. 4.000m land. all fenced - with a nice garden - Water. - Electricity with solar panels. The area is beautiful and a natural mountain environment, just 2 km from the bar and shop and 7 km from the pretty village of Bocairente.
Fire place