Property For Sale Benameji,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Benameji

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds Plot Benameji, Cordoba

$66,465 | £47,810 | €55,000
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ForSale 80 SqFt Area 0Baths 2Beds
EXCLUSIVE to Us. This plot of 18,367 square metres is located in the field of Castillo Gómez Arias, an emblematic place in the history of Benamejí and on its western boundary is the Genil River, this large fertile plot is ideal for country lovers and those who like to cultivate the land and benefit from its production. On the plot there is a one level country house of approximately 80 square metres having a kitchen-dining room with a fireplace, 2 bedrooms and a store room. The house needs renovating but will make for a wonderful rural home once restored in this beautiful location between the river and the mountains.
Ideal for Country Lovers
One Level
Parking Space
Renovation Needed
Spectacular views