Property For Sale Benalmadena,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Benalmadena

3 bed Property for sale

Beautiful 3 Bedroom Apartment, Benalmadena, Spain

$211,479 | £152,123 | €175,000
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ForSale SqFt Area 0Baths 3Beds

Beautiful 3 Bedroom Apartment, Benalmadena, Spain

Euroresales Property iD - 9825915

Property Overview

For anyone wishing to live out their dreams of life in the sunshine or earn a second income from the lucrative holiday home market, or both, this property is perfect.

Located in the world-famous tourist hotspot, Benalmadena, this 3-bedroom apartment also has 2 bathrooms, air conditioning and a communal swimming pool. The property is also surrounded by glorious views of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.

Perfectly located in the family friendly Bonanza Square complex, with bars, snack bars and restaurants. it is 5 mins from Paloma park and 10 mins from the beach. The award-winning harbour is a short distance away.

This property has massive potential in the holiday rental market, which is going through a golden age right now thanks to the emergence of direct rental sites such as Airbnb and

Main Features

3 Bedrooms.
2 Bathrooms.
Air conditioning.
Area of apartment is 89.82 square metres.
Area of storeroom is 13.48 square metres.

Communal Swimming Pool.
Beautiful sea views.
Located in family friendly Bonanza Square Complex.
Massive potential in the holiday rental market.
10 minutes from the beach.

About the area

Almost completely devoted to tourism, Benalmadena is one of the most important resorts on the western Costa del Sol, offering a variety of options: firstly, the village itself, located in the upper part of the municipality, featuring traditional architecture which reflects its origins and affording beautiful panoramic views; further down stands a district of great importance, Arroyo de la Miel, where most of the population live, with its wealth of tourist facilities, including an international pleasure park; and, finally, Benalmadena Costa, where most of the facilities for sun and sand tourism are concentrated: hotels, a casino, golf courses, a pleasure harbour etc.

Full Property Address:

Apartment 2B, Portal 3,

Nueva Plaza Bonanza,

Avenida Gamonal



29630 Malaga


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