Property For Sale Serra da Pescaria,Portugal

For sale by real estate agent - Serra da Pescaria

Property for sale

Land Serra da Pescaria, Leiria

$120,845 | £86,928 | €100,000
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ForSale SqFt Area Baths Beds
Land in noble zone, with open view to the sea, without possibility of more construction in front of it. For those looking for a villa with an ocean view, with good access and with all services nearby. The quality of bathing water of Praia do Salgado has already obtained several awards Golden Quality certificate granted by the Environmental Association Quercus. The 5 minutes from A8; 60 minutes from Lisbon; the 50-minute 2; 2: 50 of the Algarve. The 15 minutes of different beaches, 30 minutes from several golf courses and other historic towns; 60 minutes from Lisbon; 2: 30 Algarve and 3: 00.
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