Property For Sale Chiado,Portugal

For sale by real estate agent - Chiado

1 bed Property for sale

1 beds Apartment Chiado, Lisboa

$400,964 | £288,426 | €331,800
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ForSale 36 SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds
Sale of apartments with total area of 36.28sqm, in the Chiado. It consists of living room with kitchenette, bathroom and lobby. The Chiado building Flats is being refurbished and consists of 25 residential units, ranging from studios to two-bedroom apartments and with areas between 34 and 79 square meters. All apartments are fully furnished and include air conditioning, double-glazed Windows and fully equipped kitchens. The apartments on the top floor have a view of the river. All costs, such as condominium, water, electricity, and maintenance management fees shall be borne by the company that will manage the building during 5 years, guaranteeing a fixed 3% profitability to it during this period. The 3% profitability will be on the sale price of the property. Completion date scheduled for second quarter of 2018.
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