Property For Sale Sarafovo,Bulgaria

For sale by real estate agent - Sarafovo

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds Apartment Sarafovo, Burgas

$60,181 | £43,290 | €49,800
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds
Sarafovo Residence is a 4* complex located in the village of Sarafovo just 2 km from Bourgas Airport, 200 m from the sea and 30 mins drive from the popular resort of Sunny Beach.  This is a luxury, modern complex, completed in 2006 and offers excellent facilities for all the family.


The apartment on offer is on the fourth floor and has a spacious lounge with dining area and fully fitted kitchen. There is a double bedroom, a family bathroom and a balcony where you can relax and enjoy the views of the pool and terrace. There is a sofa be in the lounge so the apartment will sleep 4 people comfortably.
2 Km from Bourgas, Bulgaria