Property For Sale Sarande,Albania

For sale by real estate agent - Sarande

1 bed Property for sale

Apartment in Saranda for Sale - 101

$56,797 | £40,856 | €47,000
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ForSale 67 SqMt Area 1Baths 1Beds

Fully furnished apartament in Saranda for Sale. It has a sea view and it's only 50 meters from the beach. Due to its location you can easily access a vary of bars, restaurants, shops and it's only a few minutes walking to the city center. 

* Apartment surface - 67 m2

* Located on the 4th floor

* Total residence floors -8 

* Living room

* Kitchen

* One Bedroom

* One Bathroom

* Balcony

About Saranda 

Saranda is a coastal town in Albania. Geographically, it is situated on an open sea gulf of the Ionian Sea in the central Mediterranean, about 14 km (8.7 mi) east of the northern end of the island of Corfu. Stretching along the Albanian Ionian Sea Coast, Saranda typically has over 300 sunny days a year. The city is known for its blue deep waters of the Mediterranean

Tourism is the main driver of the economy of Sarandë. It is a significant tourist destination on the Ionian Sea, and by far one of the most popular destination in Albania.

It's a prosperous region with varied attractions, mountains, rivers and lakes, springs and virgin beaches, citrus plantations, olive groves and vineyards, fish and shellfish farming. In short, the right place for the development of tourism. Saranda's stony beaches are quite decent and there are plenty of sights in and around town, including the mesmerising ancient archaeological site of Butrint and the hypnotic Blue Eye Spring.

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