10 easy ways to pimp up your home in 2015

Is pimping up your humble abode on your to-do list for the year ahead? Have you been convinced/nagged/harassed into doing some DIY? Well, never fear, pimping up your home is a relatively easy thing to do and we have some simple techniques for jazzing up your indoor space over the year ahead. Okay,

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How to de-clutter your home for selling

As January nears its end, homeowners around the country who made cleaning the house their New Year's resolution may be considering handing in the towel. For those trying to sell a property, though, cleanliness is not an option: a tidy home is more likely to sell. Consider it from a buyer's perspect

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Eco developments in the UK

An eco-friendly lifestyle is not only good for the environment but it also lessens the burden on your wallet when the bills come through. Since 2010, when the British government published ‘Zero Carbon Britain’ reporting how we could reach zero carbon emissions by 2030, we have seen a hug

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How do I conduct a property viewing?

Advertising a property online is a lot simpler in the online age, but there are still some stages in the selling process that are associated with estate agents rather than private homeowners. One of the most intimidating stages is showing a potential buyer around your home. How do you conduct a pro

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A tip for furnishing a rental property

One of the biggest concerns that new landlords face is furnishing their property. This is because they need to ensure that the property both looks and feels like a home for their tenants, but they will also want to do this as quickly as possible and without spending a fortune. Creating a warm, welco

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Get your home summer ready

        Just as the seasons change from month to month, so should your home, and moving from winter to summer means saying ‘goodbye’ to the snuggly throws and twinkling Christmas accessories, and ‘hello’ to bright fresh colours and a cool calm ambience

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How to Create an Energy-saving Home

  With energy prices on the rise, making your home more eco-friendly will help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint. It’s simpler than you might think, too. Start with small, everyday changes to the way you use energy and water and by the end of the year you could have saved a

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Decorating Dos and Donts

When it comes to decorating your home, are you the ‘slap on a coat of magnolia paint’ type or do you like to plan out in precise style the location of the very last drop of gloss? No matter which type of interior decorating style you favour, there is a list of recognised dos and don'ts t

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